I created this blog for my class EDU 271. I had posted content related to my online courses at Haywood Community College, my job at Nazarene Child Care, and my greatest possession ~ my family. I also included some of my personal likes and dislikes. Thank you for visiting my blog!
Now, I will be utilizing this blog page for my new course (EDUC 633) at Liberty University. As always, thank you for visiting!
***Note: clicking on EDUC tabs takes you away from this site.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

I have just submitted my final for EDU 271.  The test its self was ok, but I had trouble putting my new voki on my blog.  S o I created a new URL and gave it to my instructor.  I will keep trying to put it on my blog when I am not under so much pressure.  Last night I completed everything for my EDU 146 class.  I still have a lot of work to do in my other two classes.  Everything is due tomorrow in one class and by Wednesday in another class - OMG!!!  I better get back to work then - Goodnight world.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Hello World!
I just did my Skype assignment with my instructor.  Skype is so cool.  I wish I had discovered it sooner.  I have learned so many cool thing in this course.  BTW - today I showed my final project to my class of 3 year olds and they loved it.  They wanted to watch it again and again.  Even the teacher in the next classroom wanted to watch it.  That is it for now, goodbye.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hello World!

I have finished my final project for my EDU-271 class and there's only 3 weeks left till the end of the semester.  It was so cold when we made it, but my kids and I had fun making this video and I hope you have fun watching it.  I will post it below.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Time to prepare for my final project in EDU-271.  The process seems so daunting.  I hope it goes as smoothly as my other assignments in this course.  It has been challenging to keep up with all my assignments this semester.  Well time for sleep, goodnight world!   :)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Wow, I took my second test for EDU-271 today and it took all day.  It required so much detail.  I just hope I provided the answers that my teacher was looking for.  I also got a couple of other assignments done this weekend.  Got to get up early so goodnight world.   ;)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Just six weeks of school left till the end of the semester.  Boy, do I need a break!!!  it's time to register for spring classes as well.  I have been so busy at work that I haven't had time to register yet. OMG - I'm running out of time.  We're also getting close for the raters to come into our preschool.  I sure hope we're ready, we need to get at least 3 stars.  Well that's it for tonight - I need some sleep.  Way too many 4 am nights!  Goodnight world.   :) 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

These past two weeks have been so busy between school and work.  I have been so tired with very late nights and turning around and getting up early.  I must admit that I love what I am doing even though I am so tired.  I will attempt to create a Voki tomorrow for extra credit in EDU 271.  Also I have other school work due as well.  Hopefully next week will not be so busy because I need some sleep which is where I am headed now.  Good night world!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Well it only took all weekend, but I finally got my assignments done and one from my new class that start on Friday.  Time to sleep - yeah!  Good night world.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Second Video EDU271

Apparently there still exist issues with You Tube links.  It seems worse now.  The link that takes you away from the blog isn't working now.  So again I will have to upload my next assignment under my husbands You Tube channel and under my posts.  I do check it periodically to see if it is working yet.  Hope you enjoy our new video.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Still having trouble creating new links to You Tube.  I can't figure out why yet or if it is a glitch with the site.  My previous links work, so I won't mess with them.  I may have to do the link that takes the viewer away from the blog (I don't like this method).  I should be posting a new assignment tomorrow.  Stay tune!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

I have noticed that some people from around the world have visited my blog.  Thank you!!!  Please use the translator to the right in needed.  Also, if you scroll down further, you will see my radio where you can pick the station.  And as always, have fun!

PS-please feed my fish when you stop by, thank you.   :)
Good Night World

Friday, September 27, 2013

I finally picked my entertaining video (please view my videos below the post section).  I picked my educational video fast, it was easy for me to decide.  It was harder for my educational video, I couldn't decide if I wanted my entertaining video to be music or funny.  I love so much music so I thought it would be easier to pick something funny.  Then I had to find clean humor (that was harder than I thought it would be).  I hope you like my choices!   :)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Still working on this weeks assignment.  I got the educational video posted, but I haven't even pick my entertaining video yet.  I'll have to work on it tomorrow since it is time to rest.  Good night world!!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Took my first test for EDU-271, but I'm still waiting on my grade.  Tests always make me nervous! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

I have added some new gadgets to my blog.  Please explore and enjoy!
I have done enough on my webpage to submit it for grading - yeah!  I have created links going in both directions and they work on my lap top.  I will double check the links tomorrow on another computer.  Now I have to tackle my other school work.  Wow, I sure am busy this weekend. 
                                                        Good night world.
Water Lily

Cool Flower.

Water Lily

Friday, September 13, 2013

Still working on my website.  I hope to be done by tomorrow with all my other school work.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

This week I need to create a web page for my class.  When I first read the assignment it appeared to be a daunting task.  I will be glad to know how to create a web page though.  Look for my link to the web page soon.

Friday, September 6, 2013

I have been working on this blog assignment for 3 days and I have just about got the blog page the way I want it.  As the perfectionist that I am, I will most likely continue to make changes or additions to it.  I am ready to provide the link to my instructor, but I am too tired to do it tonight.  Also, I have been sick so I need some rest.  I guess that will have to wait till tomorrow.  I hope I will get some views and follows by the time my instructor looks at my page. 
Goodnight world, I hope to see you again in the morning!   :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I have finally made my first successful post on my blog.  I was having difficulty creating and posting on my desk top, so I moved to my lap top.  My desk top kept giving me a message stating that my memory was low - hmmmm.  Maybe I need to defrag or remove cookies, I am sure I have picked up quite a few with all the downloads I have made recently - LOL.
Hello World!