I created this blog for my class EDU 271. I had posted content related to my online courses at Haywood Community College, my job at Nazarene Child Care, and my greatest possession ~ my family. I also included some of my personal likes and dislikes. Thank you for visiting my blog!
Now, I will be utilizing this blog page for my new course (EDUC 633) at Liberty University. As always, thank you for visiting!
***Note: clicking on EDUC tabs takes you away from this site.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

These past two weeks have been so busy between school and work.  I have been so tired with very late nights and turning around and getting up early.  I must admit that I love what I am doing even though I am so tired.  I will attempt to create a Voki tomorrow for extra credit in EDU 271.  Also I have other school work due as well.  Hopefully next week will not be so busy because I need some sleep which is where I am headed now.  Good night world!

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